Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 7- A Full Week Complete!

I'm proud to say that Mark and I have completed a week of the 24 Day Challenge!  It was relatively easy except on days I couldn't come up with tasty meals or had sugar cravings.  I didn't miss coffee really, but I do enjoy hot herbal tea, particularly on very cold days, which we have had quite frequently lately, so I am looking forward to being able to drink that again.  I don't know if it's not allowed, especially if it isn't doctored up with cream and sugar (I drink tea straight), but it isn't listed in the suggested foods so I have decided not to drink it.

So day 7 went pretty well- I did the shake for breakfast and ate a leftover pepper for lunch.  I was tired again because little mister was up a lot in the night so I took an afternoon nap.  Dinner was a serving of Organic Vegetable Lentil and Roasted Red Pepper soup we found at Costco yesterday.  It pretty good, but took a few bites to get used to.  I liked the broth more than the things in it.  The challenge allows for three snacks throughout the day and I ate a banana between breakfast and lunch and then since I napped in the afternoon, I didn't eat that snack, but I did eat an apple with almond butter for an after dinner dessert.  I didn't exercise and I need to increase my water intake.  Tomorrow we add the morning fiber drink back into the mix and do that for three more days thus completing the 10 day "cleanse" phase of the program.  I will weigh then and let you know those results.

Until tomorrow!

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